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Marshfield is a vibrant community in central Wisconsin known for world-class health care and a fresh mix of lodging, dining and shopping and attractions. There’s always something new to discover in Marshfield—plan your visit today.

Visit Marshfield
700 S. Central Ave.
Marshfield, WI 54449

Meet Marshfield Made New: Marshfield Heritage Museum | Lest We Forget military exhibit at the Marshfield Heritage Museum in downtown Marshfield Wisconsin
Made New

Meet Marshfield Made New: Marshfield Heritage Museum

Want to learn about the people and events who shaped this central Wisconsin community? In the latest installment of our Marshfield Made New video series, we uncover what you can find at the Marshfield Heritage Museum.

The Marshfield Heritage Museum is located on the lower level of the Second Street Community Center, 211 E. 2nd St., and is open from 1 to 4pm Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Admission is free. Highlights of the museum include:

  • A log-cabin recreation of the city’s first hotel
  • Photos and other artifacts from the Great Marshfield Fire of 1887
  • Historical items from St. Joseph’s School of Nursing (including an iron lung) and the origin of Marshfield Clinic in the 1910s
  • Info about historical figures like William Upham, Wisconsin’s 18th governor and a three-term mayor of Marshfield (the historic Upham Mansion is still open for tours today)
  • The “Lest We Forget” history exhibit, which features wartime artifacts from the Civil War to today and tells the story of Marshfield’s veterans

Learn more about the Marshfield Heritage Museum here.

Discover more Marshfield Made New attractions here.